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chicago & greater area
Regional Ambassador: abassador needed

Do you know of an italian-themed event, an Italian owned or operated business resource or of a great Italian restaurant? Let us know by following the links, below, or contact us via our feedback form!

    italian & italian-themed events
language courses, comedies, lectures...

italian services & businesses
clubs, doctors, services and more...

chicago italian forum
network with fellow italians and italian americans locally!

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upcoming events

Sunday, February 22
- Italian Mass at the The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii

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chicago italians
Italians have been in Chicago since the 1850s. Most Chicago Italians, however, trace their ancestry to the wave of unskilled southern immigrants who came to the United States between 1880 and 1914.

chicago italians (part II)
World War II changed everything for the second generation of Italian Americans. It Americanized them with the first possibilities for a college education and the ability to buy a suburban house.


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