sale property in Italy

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sale property in Italy

by siena on 2:44 am, Jan 06 2009

summer 2008 we were in Italy. With a coowner we have a house for sale. (inheried property--succesione was done). A man from Rome (property located in abruzzo)said he wanted to buy the house, orto, and other pieces of land and a stalla. We had someone contact the other owner and it was agreed to sell for specified amount. This was about middle to end of August.
Since the house had to be changed from rurale to Urban (in town) (catastate). we were told he would have to pay for that. He moved on that quickly because he said the bank told him he had to do that or he would not be able to apply for a mutuo. He let us know that he did do that and paid.
No other paper work has been done neither is there any sign of any conclusion coming. We have contacted him and he says its because of the bureaucracy in Italy.

Mean while we have another buyer willing to pay us cash immediately but this other person will not back off and after all these months he now says that if we want to sell it to someonelse not only does he want what he spent to( catastare change the house) (and we understand paying him his expenses). But he says we must pay him double or 3X what he spent because its an Italian law. (1) is this true (2) Do we have to wait for as long as he seems to think its necessary.
We also think maybe he can't get the money because he owns nothing and apparently just started to work full tim and has a child.--He said his father co signed.

He also told us that if we want he will borrow money from someone else (other than the bank) but when the bank sends us the money we have to return it back to him.
Does it not seem strange that he says the bank would send us the money when it has to be devided 2 ways and we get a bigger portion.

Any advice you can give me would be deeply apprecciated. We are unable to return to Italy again because of health situations and the sale money would be of great help for expenses. Thank you sincerely, siena
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Re: sale property in Italy

by salioto on 6:27 pm, Jan 25 2009

This person has written to me by contacting me directly.
Sonia Alioto, Law Forum Moderator
[email protected]
San Francisco
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