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Top:: links : local italian communities : philadelphia

how we select sites
We slect sites based on their content and intrest to our readers. The primary factor will be its relation to Italy and Italian issues. Adding a reciprocal link to in a visible area will also increase your chances in being listed -- though it is not the decisive factor.

reciprocal link to
As mentioned above, adding a reciprocal link will increase your site's chances of being listed. If you have questions on how to do this, you can reach us at the email address, below. Otherwise you may link to our home page with the following text:, the resource for Italians, Italian Americans and enthusiasts of Italian cooking, travel and culture
Webmasters, may copy and paste the following code on their HTML pages:
<a href=""><b></b>, the resource for Italians, Italian Americans and enthusiasts of Italian cooking, travel, language and culture</a>

Please ensure to select the proper category or your submission will be deleted without being reviewed.

for multiple categories
Submit the link each time to a different categories.

for resources
Enter the name of the business in the "Site Title" field and add the contact address, phone numbers, email, and store description in the "Website Description" field.

for e-mail addresses
To put an email address in place of a website URL, type the following in the "Website URL" field enter the following before the email address "mailto:" without a space between the colon and the address for example, mailto:[email protected].

Full Name
Email Address
Site Title
Website URL
Website Description....

If you have any questions, please send them to us via our feedback form.

display forum posts on your website!
Webmasters and homepage authors can now display the top five, ten, or even more posts from the forums on their own website (as in the example, below). To get the three lines of code to paste on your web page and bring it to life, contact us!

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