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We're an all volunteer website and need your help to keep going. Here are five ways you can contribute:
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3 Submit a story
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submit an article is a volunteer website dedicated to educating the public about Italy and Italian culture. We welcome your stories and accounts to share with our readers. About submitting stories:

    some examples
    Here are examples of stories that have been submitted to us, there is really no limit to how we can work together!

    + Personal Story

    + Travel Adventure

    + Topical Series

    + Reproduction from a website

    + Reproduction from magazine

    + Book Excerpt

  1. no pay - We are an all volunteer website, we cannot compensate you for your story.

  2. it's yours - This must be something that you have written or to which you have the authority to reproduce.

  3. it's evergreen - The story will remain on our website indefinitely. This means that the story should not have an "expiration date" where the information is no longer useful to our readers after a particular date.

  4. it's meaty - The story should at least be 750 words. If it's longer, much longer, we should talk about breaking it into a series!

  5. it's colorful - If you have accompanying illustrations, to which you have copyright or the authority to reproduce, be sure to include these as well!

  6. we'll change it - You'll want to submit something to us that is already publication quality (correct grammar, spelling, etc.). We may make edits to the title, content, illustrations, etc. - If you re-publish the version of your story that we edited anywhere else, add a note at the bottom "edited by - the resource for enthusiasts of italian culture"
Ready to submit your story or content idea? Contact us via our feedback form.

Articles promoting a specific product or service are considered sponsored articles, please contact us at [email protected] for additional information.


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