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basilicata - basilicata
(visit more italian regions)

related books

Seasons in Basilicata : A Year in a Southern Italian Hill Village

Insight Guide Southern Italy

Historical Collection of Italian Recipes from Basilicata

A trip to Basilicata might be one of the best ways to see Italy at its most unspoiled. Though economically poor, the region has some distinctively Byzantine points of historical interest to compensate. For example, Christian Basilian monks took refuge in dwellings carved out of the rock, now referred to as the "caves," and Frederick II built the largest castle in the region and it was only his hunting lodge! Greek ruins can be seen, as well. If you're looking for minimal tourist hype, Basilicata is an excellent choice.

don't dump down south!
Basilicata's converted rock-salt mine was chosen as safest place in Italy to dump the nuclear waste -- many residents felt the site was chosen because of economics and that such a decision would not have been tolerated by the wealthier north of Italy.

that's amore!
Looking for love -- through a window! Read how one couple met and married in Love, Basilicata Style.

what do you know?
Test your knowledge of Lucano heritage with this simple quiz about Basilicata. Then compare your quiz results to those who came before you! Now, show us what you know!

lucano cuisine
If you have never seen Lucanian dishes offered by restaurants in the big cities, it is because Lucania (Basilicata) has probably the largest number of totally local dishes in Italy. They are greatly influenced by the regions nearby and vice versa. taste them!

your experience in basilicata
Help us represent the true culture and personal perspective of this region by submitting your story to our feedback form. Or if you just have a brief note to share, post it on our travelling to Italy forum.

travel tip:
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arts & crafts
Art and space of Basilicata


Il Corriere del Sud

travel & tourisim
Official Site of the Basilicata

Restaurants in Basilicata

Universita' Degli Studi della Basilicata

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