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lombardy - lombardia
(visit more italian regions)

books about lombardy

Art and Authority in Renaissance Milan

A Renaissance Court : Milan Under Galeazzo Maria Sforza

Lombardy Milan & the Italian Lakes

more books...

Lombardy stretches from Switzerland, down through the stunning lakes and on to the flatter plains of the River Po. Known as the center of Italian (some say European) fashion, commerce, and industry, it comes as no surprise that gorgeous palazzi and villas line the lakes and that efficiency is so highly valued. Many attribute Lombardy's strong economy to its terrain -- it is generally flatter than much of Italy, which makes travel between the small towns easier.

boccondivino: where food & wine become art
Boccondivino -- a ristorante that is not about what they cook in the kitchen, but their collection of the finest affettati, cheeses, and wines produced in Italy.

Mimmo's bar is not licensed to serve meals so in a strict legal sense he does not . . . but you won't leave hungry. There are no menus, no pastas, no risottos, and no roasted meats or juicy steaks. At Mimmo's you feast on antipasti.

a villa remembers....
Must a hotel in Lombardy be expensive? Savor author Jacqueline Harmon Butler's experience at the Hotel Villa Malpensa.

what do you know about lombardy?
Match your wits with our travel editor and find out how much you really know about Lombardy!

the lombard cook
Rice competes with pasta for first place on the table, and often wins: it is this region's comfort food. Cook an authentic Lombard meal.

your  experience in Lombardy
Tell us about your Lombard experience or read what others had to say in the travelling to italy forum.

travel tip:
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art & crafts
Teatro della Scala
Art & Architecture

in Milano
a key to Milano
Livigno Valtellina

lodging & transport
Milan Airports
Hotels in Lombardy

history & culture
Duomo's Photos
Castello di Belgioioso
Naviglio Grande

travel & tourism
Tourism in Lombardy
Tourism in Milan
Travel & Tourism in Lombardy

Regione Lombardia*
Unione delle Camere di Commercio
Milano Chamber of Commerce

* site in Italian


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