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piedmont - piemonte
(visit more italian regions)

Flanked by the snow-capped alps to the north and the thin strip of province called Liguria to the south, Piemonte (or "Piedmont" in English) draws from many French and Swiss influences while maintaining its uniquely Italian heritage. Though most of the region is countryside, Piemonte is also home to Turin (famous for the shroud and home to Fiat). Fabric is made in the Biella province, while wine is produced in Asti (yes, like Spumante!). Risotto is particularly popular and plentiful in the south -- fields of grain and rice abound.

computers and culture
A successful computer designer born in Piemont compares Italian and American cultures (computer, corporate, and community) in Silicon Here and There.

king of wines and wine of kings
Piemonte ranks seventh among the regions in total production; however, it's a giant of wine. Piemonte has 38 wine producing zones which create 43 distinct types of wine. Piemonte has the most vineyards dedicated to classified production. For craftsmanship, respect for tradition and devotion to native vines in their historical habitat, the Piedmontesi have no rivals in Italy. Drink a toast to Piemonte in the king of wines and wine of kings and get with the lingo in the wine glossary.

the piemontese kitchen
Learn about the history of Piemontese Cuisine and celebrate Piemontese heritage with an authenticillay meal, and education on the history of the Piemontese kitchen and the birth of truffles in cooking in a tavola!

your  piemontese experience
Tell us about your Piemontese experience or read what others had to say in the travelling to italy forum.

travel tip:
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arts & crafts
Turin Polis

City of Turin
Commune di Asti*
Cuneo-the heart of piedmont

Hotels in Piemonte
Piedmont Properties

travel & tourisim
Piemonte Web
Piemonte Online
Piemonte Bus Tourisim*
Piemonte Turismo e Cultura**


Piemonte's Regional Government

* Site written in Italian


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