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anna garasto
general forum moderator

I'm a first generation Italian Canadian from Toronto, Ontario. I'm very proud to live in this city, because of its respect towards us, and all the Italian influence here

Both my parents, Leonardo Garasto and Maria (Piro) Garasto, originated from Southern Italy, Corigliano. They left Italy to make a better life for themselves and us kids, even though it was very hard to do. They left all their family and friends in the process, but in doing so we never wanted for anything. I grew up with much Italian influence and the term "old school" rings loud with me.

I have been to Italy many times and it is a very gorgeous country, like heaven, and it gets harder and harder to leave each time. I hope one day to return and live out the rest of my life there.

My very first memory of Italian pride was when I was very young, it took place in 1982 during the world cup. Italy did us proud that year! When they won, my father was so extremely happy, and it made me very happy too.

I am a day trader, and I also sell vintage items on Ebay. I like to write, but I haven't been able to finish anything as of yet, except some poetry. One day, I hope to write a book or two, but I have much to experience yet.

Currently, I have been working on another book for children's charity. The Blythe project is a compelation of work that will feature a two page spread of my photography, based on the very rare vintage doll. Even in my work you can see that I am a very proud Italian, and I feel it's very important to always stand true to Italy even when times are tough.

[email protected]


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