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italian american experience
Editor: Camille Di Loreto

Although Italians and Italian Americans are very similar they have had vastly different experiences. This section is here to celebrate the similarities and differences between them.

come si chiamas (whatchamacallits)
From the moment I was made to feel that I was somehow less, I was always on the lookout for differences between the sexes and, more importantly, ways in which I could minimize them in myself. Probably the biggest difference, and the one most troublesome to me, was balls.

life al dente: one of the boys
I was the firstborn, the son my father always wanted. And so he started almost immediately to mold me into his own image and likeness. For the most part, his efforts were successful. Unfortunately, there was one obstacle, which he could neither overcome nor accept. I was a girl.

is your little italy still hopping?
Are Italian communities in America moving off the streets and online? What do you think about the Italian communities in America... are they still there?

momma's kitchen
Italian American cuisine & memories
frank capra's wonderful life
Frank Capra is to movies what Norman Rockwell is to painting. Capra's characters are common people whose good will enable them to triumph over adversaries and claim America's promises. Discover Frank Capra's inspiration.

angelo: an american hercules
When he stepped off a boat onto Ellis Island the scrawny 10-year-old would become a punching bag for bigger boys. Little did anyone suspect that little Angelo would go on to become an American Hercules.

italian movie goddesses
Italian screen sirens were women of astonishing physical beauty, but they were no ornaments. They used their femininity as a source of strength. They were passionate, independent and intelligent, with strong moral principles.

working for peanuts
You may not have heard of Planters founder Amedeo Obici, but everyone knows his alter ego, the suave legume that became an advertising icon: Mr. Peanut!

 italian american talents
It's like the Italian-American star search, except that you get to listen and vote for the artist you prefer! come see the stars!

Do you have a musical talent you'd like to share? Send us an email at [email protected].


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