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new york events

new york events

February 1, Friday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 2, Saturday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 6, Wednesday
music: Opera Night,  8:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 8, Friday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 9, Saturday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 13, Wednesday
music: Opera Night,  8:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 15, Friday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 16, Saturday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 20, Wednesday
music: Opera Night,  8:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 22, Friday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 23, Saturday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 27, Wednesday
music: Opera Night,  8:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
February 29, Friday
music: Opera Night,  9:30 pm -11:30 pm
Enjoy your favorite Italian songs and arias sung by the cast of singers, while dining in a friendly, intimate atmosphere.
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Anyone can add an event by clicking "add events" above.

PLEASE ALLOW UP TO TWO WEEKS FOR EVENT SUBMISSION APPROVAL. In other words, please submit your event at least two weeks in advance.

Clubs and organizations can request an account, which will allow them to log on to edit and delete their events. To request an account contact the administrator.


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