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deborah millemaci
genealogy editor

I've been actively researching my Sicilian ancestry for over 20 years. To me, Italian Genealogy has always been more than a hobby. It has been a quest to find know and understand what life was like for the family members that preceded me.

I'm the list manager for an e-mail list devoted to Sicilian research - Tutti-Siciliani. I'm also the author of several articles about Italian research, history and folklore that have been published in magazines and newsletters devoted to Italy and Italian Genealogy.

Like many of you, my ancestors immigrated to America with hopes and dreams of a better life. Many of them were never able to share their experiences with others. It is important for us to know who we are and where we evolved from.

One thing you must try to remember: don't get discouraged if you hit a snag in your research. Information can come from the most unlikely sources! We are all working toward a common goal. To know our Italian ancestors and heritage is to know ourselves. We can tell their stories and preserve them for future generations...if we work together.

[email protected]


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