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susan gagnon wilson
genealogy forum moderator

I am not a professional genealogist...but, I am very familiar with searching a lot of the Italian records in Italy as well as census records and passenger lists in America.

I started looking for my family roots a number of years ago. My parents had died before the birth of our only child and I wanted her to know about them. As a first time parent at the age of 44, I knew that if I didn't research the family now, one day she would ask and I would be too old to answer. Thus the journey into the past.

My Italian Grandmother was one of my favorite people. Every year, even after my marriage, we would travel to her home and spend time listening to the old stories. I only wished I had asked more questions about her parents and family.

Over time I have learned a lot about those that went before. What I discovered was the fact that it is not the ancestors you find that matter is the contact with living relatives that enriches your life.

I have been a department store buyer, store manager, attended college in Florida and completed my Master's there as well. Came to North Carolina to work on my Phd. ..but left before my disertation to go into retail. Today I am retired, and stay home doing my genealogy. I've been married for 29 years, and have a 12 year old!

I live in the mountains of North Carolina outside of Asheville.

[email protected]


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