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write a book review
(return to books)

Tell us about your favorite Italian or Italian American book. We may post it as our monthly review! Please note that authors and publishers may not submit their own review, scroll to the bottom of the books page for instructions on sending us a book to review.

book title:

author and/or illustrator:

publisher and publication date:
(although this is not required, it will help us find the book)

book review: (see tips at right)

related web site:

your name:

your e-mail address:

May we identify you as the author of this review?
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review tips
If you need inspiration for writing your review, answer the following questions...

How did you discover this book and/or author?

Have you read anything else by this author?

How does the particular book you're reviewing, relate to others written by this author?

Can you describe the story line?

Which was your favorite part of the book, and why?

What is your overall impression of this book?


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