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use the holidays to your advantage - genealogy
(return to geneaology)

The holidays, and any family get-togethers, are the perfect time do some of your Italian genealogy research. Maybe you could ask relatives to bring old photos, mementos, etc. - things from the past to your holiday festivities. Bring a tape recorder to get comments from your older relatives.

get your children involved...unleash their creativity and see what happens
You might even want to consider making a "Family Scrapbook" which can contain photographs of all those who are able to attend. It's not too early to think about...and you don't have to spend a lot of money putting it together.

You could also have each relative bring a favorite dish (and recipe) to the occasion and maybe... there might be a "story" behind its creation. This information can also be included in your books. They make great gifts that will be truly treasured.

One other suggestion is to get your children involved...unleash their creativity and see what happens...after all - our children will be carrying on our ancestral names and this would be a great way to introduce them to their Italian ancestral history.

Have your relatives bring:

  • Old photos
  • Momentos
  • Their favorite dish (and recipe)
©Deborah K. Millemaci - 2002
No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author.


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