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your online genealogy search
by Deborah K. Millemaci

Today there are a multitude of resources available for doing genealogy. One avenue I have found up and coming in researching family ancestry is the Internet. It can be a good companion to your library and public record searches. You can find almost anything on the Internet. These websites are geared to all stages of your genealogy research, so don't be intimidated if you are new to online searching. I have visited hundreds of websites and I have yet to find one that I wasn't impressed with (but you can look at my collection of links), which makes it difficult to pick only a few of the best -- this article. But here are a few of my favorites.
how-to websites
These websites offer simple instruction on beginning or advanced genealogy research techniques. In this category there is a potpourri of sites to choose from. A few of the websites I visit frequently in this category are: COI (Communes Of Italy), D' and PIE (Pursuing Italians Electronically). COI and PIE are online mailing lists, and also have websites where you can find information along with archived messages pertaining to Italian genealogy and heritage. D' is a great genealogy site that provides Italian and non-Italian genealogical resources.

family homepages
I love visiting family home pages. These websites because they provide more insight to families and their ancestral research. Many of these sites will invariably include their recommendations to links which will further assist others in genealogy research. A couple of my favorites here are: Arduini; Pizzo Italian American History and Alessandri Family Homepage.

genealogy forums
Websites that provide forums (such as's genealogy forum) are a great way to interact with others who seek information on names being researched or other data needed such as traditions and customs from the area their ancestor is from.

link pages
I have yet to find a webpage that doesn't include Links to more information about a given topic. And in Genealogy research there are new ones appearing all the time. A couple of the more well-known sites are: Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet (one of the largest resources for Genealogy research on the Internet) and A Barrel of Genealogy Links (another large resource site). These link sites are important to our research because of the wealth of information they contain which are not always found on other genealogy sites .

reference websites
These websites have numerous collections on passenger lists, other informational databases, and genealogy terminology. One interesting website in this category is Italian Searchable Databases (through Roostweb). You will find some regional data on Italy and explanation of Italian Records, find a list of them in my link collection.

I don't believe that researching your genealogy online is the only way to do your search. It is definitely convenient for many who may not be able to get out for one reason or another to do this type of research, but it may not be complete. Researching your genealogy online puts extensive resources at the disposal of the beginner and, to the advanced family historian, access to some crucial pieces of information necessary to explore our family roots. As more countries progress and put more information about themselves online, it will take less time to obtain pertinent data. So, no matter what stage you are at in your genealogy, just know you have another good alternative to explore - online.

©Deborah K. Millemaci - 2002
No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author.


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