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sports & games
Editor: Christopher Pepe

Have you been looking for the latest in Italian sports? This is the place to be.
If you have questions or suggestions, please send an e-mail to the sports editor [email protected].


When it comes to international soccer, with the third best record in World Cup & the second most Championships, Italy is a winner.

new forum: sports!
Come by and visit our newest forum. Now you can interact, debate and discuss your favorite Italian Sport with our readers.

a kick to american football
Many Football fans would have you believe that American Football originated on U.S. soil. Historians, however, have taught us differently. The pre-cursor to American football is a game called calcio, and, you guessed it, it originated in bella Italia!

formula 1: la rossa is back
After a bad loosing streak in the 80's, recent wins have revived interest in the car to beat all cars. In this third part of our series, we detail Ferrari's comeback.

formula 1: and the beat goes on
Even through wars, the Grand Prix persevered. With some Italian ingenuity, Italy would remain on top.

formula 1: from ferrari to fiat
While Grand Prix, or Formula 1 racing, was not invented by the Italians, it has been repeatedly influenced by their sleek designs and innovative power. Many would agree that despite fierce competition from their neighbors, Italy has set the standard for Formula 1 racing.

the secret past of... the bicycle
It took 300 years between Leonardo DaVinci's sketches and Italy's ability to reclaim the lead in the biking industry with the world's best and most innovative bicycles.

italy: on the run
If your New Year's resolution is to be more active, why not enter into an Italian marathon? We've go answers to many marathon questions, and useful information to help you run your first marathon in Italy.

learn to play 8 italian card games!
In Italy the card decks have only 40 cards, designs and dimensions vary from region to region, and there isn't a single Queen in sight. The cards are not stacked against you, as it's easy to learn this favorite Italian pastime. It's easy to create an Italian deck of cards from a standard deck and learn all about Italian Cards and Games.

bocce: the inside story
Italian immigrants brought their game of bocce to the United States, and many other countries where it is widely played today. Why not get moving and learn how to play bocce?

soccer news

ESPN's Soccer Standings
Choose a country to see it's soccer standings

other sports
Venice Marathon of UNICEF '98
Baseball - ITALIA
Italian Basketball League


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