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filippo voltaggio
a california "dude" with an italian "tude"

The artist's comments about his music

song excerpts:

speak softly love

that's amore

only trust your heart

arrivederci roma

"My parents immigrated to the United States from their native country italy before any of their children were born. They came with hopeful anticipation and respect for America as well as a strong pride and longing for the people, culture, traditions, and country they left behind.

Their love for their "Italia" and all it meant to them was so great that they wanted to share that love with their American born children. And share it they did. Most especially though the stories they told and the songs they taught us.

It's no coincidence that my first album is not only of Itlaian songs, but of songs that came from the heart of stories, in this case, the movies. I hope that by way of this album I too can share a small part of a special love my parents so thoughtfully and generously shared with me."

About the Artist
Filippo has made a recent surprise debut into the music scene with his unique style, both personal and musical. He brings an elegance and a flair to the music world reminiscent of the celebrated artists of the past.
He is making a name for himself in everything from Top 40 romantic and dance songs to innovative renditions of the Standards, American and International, especially Italian favorites. The Burbank Leader recently critiqued "He is from the music world to the music scene becoming a critically acclaimed singer."

From his base in Los Angeles to the dance clubs of Europe his music and popularity is quickly growing. His debut CD "REEL ITALIAN - Love Songs From the Silver Screen", sung in English and Italian was released in record stores throughout the Country March '98. The first release immediately sold out and the second is quickly following suit.
His newly released singles "Mambo Italiano," and "I Can't Wait," are on a track of there own taking his career to greater heights, creating more demand for appearances which have already been wide spread from stage to screen, national and international.
Filippo's versatility has taken him from solo performances with bands, dancers and the works before large audiences to intimate cabarets like the famed Hollywood Cinegrill and those of New York. However, Filippo began his professional singing career on the opera stage after having also given several leading performances on the musical comedy stage. His musical and European background have been the primary reason why he sings in English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Sicilian, and Neopolitan.

On the Big Screen he has been featured in the box office hit A Walk in the Clouds and the 1998 Academy Award contender Europa. He continues to be a featured guest on several television shows including Hollywood's "number one" morning news show, national PBS and RAI International broadcasts as well as co-host and guest artist on numerous radio programs.
Whether live or on recordings; film, TV, or radio, it has been said of his performances that he leaves his audiences energized and feeling as if he had sung from his heart to theirs. How befitting to note that his name translates in English to "Love Voltage" or "Love Energy."

You may contact Filippo at:

Filippo Voltaggio
Hutsut Music Inc.
1362 Lucille Avenue, Suite 1
Los Angeles, CA 90026.

(888) FILIPPO tel
(323) 663-7077 fax
[email protected]


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