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emilia romagna
(visit more italian regions)

emilia romagna books

Cadogan Bologna and Emilia-Romagna

Emilia Romagna (Flavors of Italy)

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Like much of Italy, Emilia-Romagna's borders have changed considerably over the years. Its current borders were established in 1947, from remnants of several Papal states. The western half, Emilia, is traditionally associated with a more northern outlook. Romagna is heavily influenced by the artistic, cultural, and political mindset of the south. Because agriculture has always thrived along the Po River, the region offers gastronomic treats not found elsewhere in the country. Prosciutto di Parma and Parmesan cheese, for instance, originate from Emilia-Romagna.

stroll thorugh ravenna's market
The Italians are experts at display. As you walk through the marketplace, you realize your life may not be complete without buying those four inch heels made in vivid bright blue and covered in sequins. Dodging bikes and children to buy snakeskin swimsuits and cheese is just one of the perks when you shop at Ravenna's Marvelous Market.

ravenna's secrets: what the guide books won't tell you
Reading a guidebook before you go anywhere is always preferable to not reading one. Nevertheless, lots of pertinent facts about an area get overlooked in guidebooks. Veteran Ravenna visitor, Hannalou Coco, gives you information you won't get anywhre else to enhance your Italian experience.

what do you know about emilia romagna?
Match your wits with our travel editor and find out how much you really know about Emilia Romagna!

the emiliano cook
Emilia Romagna takes its name from Via Emilia, the ancient road from Rome to the Alps, and its capital Bologna, the most important town along the way. The region is an intensely cultivated plain with fields of wheat, rice and beet. Cook an authentic Emilian meal.

your  experience in Emilia Romagna
Tell us about your Lombard experience or read what others had to say in the travelling to italy forum.

travel tip:
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arts & crafts
Main portal of San Petronio
Museo Archeleogico di Bologna*
Galleria Patrizia Poggi*

history & culture
Emilia-Romagna Events
Jazz and more in Emilia-Romagna*
Maranello Rosso Collection

Bologna - City of Culture
Complete Modena Guide*
Best of Parma
Reggio Emilia*
Rimini VRML Tour

Hotels in Bologna

travel & tourisim
Protected Areas in Emilia-Romagna
Emilia-Romagna TravelNet
Emilia-Romagna TravelNet
Natural Parks and Territory

Mosaic Art Studio
Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium

Regione Emilia-Romagna*
Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna
Comune di Bologna

* Site written in Italian


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