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Heritage: Italian-American Style, by Leon J. Radomile
Throughout history, Italians and Italian-Americans have made many outstanding contributions. Mr. Radomile, in his book Heritage Italian-American Style, shares 1,492 of these with us. The book is structured so that all of the factoids are presented in a question-answer format, which allows the reader to use the book in a variety of ways and occasions. Many of the factoids included are fascinating. For example, "What is the name of the period known as "the golden age of Roman literature," which covered the reign of Augustus Caesar?" Or, "What Italian-American football coach's career was portrayed in the television movie, Run to Daylight?" Although the publication is a first attempt at a printing, there are so many fascinating pieces of information here that you will find yourself drawn to this book time and again. This book is a fundamental building block for anyone wanting to know more about Italian life and is not to be judged by it's cover.

Book Cover Prego!: An Invitation to Italian
Learning a new language is always a difficult task. The materials that you use to try and learn a new language must be of the highest caliber. Prego!: An Invitation to Italian is a book that would definitely fit into this category. The book is laid out in to easy to read sections, helping you to slowly and confidently build your Italian language skills. A typical chapter is laid out in the following manner: Opening Page, Introduction to Vocabulary, Grammar Points, Dialogue, Review Exercises, Cultural Readings, Summary List. The depth of information in each chapter allows you to begin seeing the fruits of your studies immediately. The authors definitely understood the complexities in creating a book of this type. They stood up to the challenges and created a book that will have you chatting Italian over your favorite espresso in no time!

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1,000 Italian Words
21st Century Itlian-English English-Italian Dictionary, Philip Lief
Basic Sicillian: A Brief Reference Grammar, Jospeh Privitera
Italian for Dummies
Merda! The Real Italian You Were Never Taught in School, Roland Delicio


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