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cats of rome
by Kathleen Dadey
(return to Lazio)

Roman Mosaic of Cat Devouring a Partridge and Ducks with Birds and Fish
Anyone out there interested in helping the beautiful but beleagured gatti de Roma? I am hoping that you feel the same way about them that I do. They are companions, children (of sorts), source of inspiration, and truly fine beasts.

My charity, the Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary in Rome is a place dedicated to cats. I have personally been supporting the Sanctuary for nearly three years and have recently adopted a cat from them (a little kitten, with only one eye, found by a volunteer in a paper bag left outside the Sanctuary). I have been awfully impressed with the dedication and enthusiasm of the volunteers, even in the face of incredible odds and losses. The volunteers are of many nationalities, often from Europe, but also many from the U.S. I will be participating in the fundraising event as an emissary of the U.S. and would be gratified to be able to show the organizers and attendees the generosity of us in the U.S.

The Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary will be holds their annual fundraiser in early May this year. I am soliciting gifts from generous cat lovers in the U.S. or the auction and raffles to be held as part of the fundraiser (suggestions: vintage clothing, jewelry (fine and costume), books, cat toys, magazine subscriptions, notepapers, etc.). All donors will be officially recognized as sponsors at the event. The event is being hosted by the Ambassador to Italy from Britain and in the past has been attended by not only Italians, but also by many individuals from other countries, including Australia, Germany, Britain, Holland and the U.S.

You will gain:

  • Recognition in the international cat "welfare" community, as well as with all pet lovers
  • A generous tax-deduction, depending on your gift
  • Knowledge that you are supporting an incredible, international group of volunteers and saving the lives of innumerous abandoned cats

see also...
A Notch Above rthe Rest
A Modern Bridge to Ancient Latium
Cats of Rome
Extreme Rome
What do you know?
Roman Cooking
Visit Latium
Visit other Italian regions
The charity will benefit greatly from any gift you feel you could provide. This is a venture that will truly benefit the cats of Rome.

For more information, take a peek at the Torre Argentina website. Kathleen Dadey welcomes your assistance by email or phone at (510) 663-3529. The Roman contact for the event (an ex-pat American) is Deborah D'Alessandro, who can be reached at 011-39-06-519-3885. Contributions may be mailed directly to Rome (c/o Silvia Viviani, Via Marco Papio 15, Rome, Italy 00175). Please feel free to contact Kathleen for additional information.


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