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Merry Christmas From Rome - Jubilaeum
A breathtaking performance at the Basilica di S. Maria Degli Angeli in Rome, Italy, with Cecilia Gasdia (soprano), Pietro Ballo (tenor), Renato Bruson (baritone) and Mstislav Rostropovich (cello). Also features the Cappella Giulia S. Peter Choir, the Orchestra Sinfonica Di Roma, the Accademia Filarmonica Romana Choir, and a special performance by the "Gelina Vishnevskaya" Boys Choir. Conducted by Pablo Colino. Includes music from Bach, Verdi, Mozart, Bizet, Mascagni, Gruber, Teofano and Chesnokov. Also available in VHS format.

More Italian Christmas Videos:
- Jubilaeum Collection: Christmas Box Set
- Christmas at the Duomo

The Life of Leonardo Da Vinci (3 tape box set)
This is most accurate and most priceless study of Leonardo, taking the viewer on a tour of the artist's life from his illegitimate birth to his death at a very old age. Produced in Italy with Italian and British actors, this movie (which spoken in Italian) has the same dialogue well translated into English, allowing the viewer to understand the true depth, drama, wry wit, and humor of Italians. Leonardo Da Vinci was a tragic figure to whom painting came as natural as breathing, giving his portraits a life like quality that was neither equaled nor excelled even by his contemporary Michelangelo. Da Vinci's fascination with mechanics, anatomy, the weather, flight, and are well presented in dramatic fashion, allowing the viewer to share in his inspiration and lament in his sorrow at not having accomplished all he had hoped to with his brilliant mind. Leonardo. Questar's presentation is well worth the money spent on it. In my opinion it is priceless and should be viewed by all who love and study the Renaissance and Leonardo Da Vinci. John Paul II:The Millennial Pope (1999)
The election of Karol Wojtyla to the papacy in 1978 was greeted with astonishment and extravagant hope. After the death of two popes within months, John Paul II's youth and vigor were the source of new hope for the church. To the world beyond the Vatican, he seemed the most modern of men: a poet, actor, athlete, intellectual, and media wizard. For believers and nonbelievers, he seemed to be a pope for our time. But in the twenty years he has commanded the world stage, re-invigorating the church in much of the world, he has emerged as a man at war with the twentieth century itself. As pope, he has defined himself by his opposition to many of the dominant secular ideologies and passions of our time. He has excoriated communism, feminism, capitalism, and consumerism. He has challenged our quest to maximize individual freedoms in the marketplace, in our bedrooms, even on our deathbeds. His insistence on God in our secular age poses the question: Is he lost or are we? The film is a journey through the twentieth century to the sources of his character and his beliefs, and a journey into our passionate reaction to him. It's a journey that says much about us as it does about him.
Find out more about the millenial pope at the Vatican Website.

coverBiography: Joe Di MaggioNarrator Peter Graves does an exemplary job with the nearly impossible task of weaving together Joltin' Joe's baseball achievements and his all-but-public private life marriages to actressesDorothy Arnold and Marilyn Monroe. Delving into the making of the New York Yankee star who was given the unenviable taskof following in Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig's footsteps in Yankee Stadium from 1936 to 1951 (with one interruption for a noncombat military stint in World War II), the documentary covers the Yankee Clipper's famous 56-game hitting streakin 1941, his role in leading the Yankees to10 pennants and 9 World Series titles, his 2 tumultuous marriages, and hisrole as a television pitchman. His marriage to Arnold lasted longer and produced his only son, butundeniably the more interesting aspect of hisprivate life was the short-but-sensational marriage in 1954 to Monroe,America's sizzling sex symbol.There are moments here in which it is clear why this marriage between thequiet and private DiMaggio and the flamboyant actress was destined to fail.

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Caligula - Reign of Madness
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Christopher Columbus
Leonardo da Vinci
Joe di Maggio
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Sophia Loren
Lucky Luciano - Chairman of the Mob
Bela Lugosi
Ida Lupino
Mussolini - Italy's Nightmare
Marco Polo
Sylvester Stallone
Rudolph Valentino


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