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Only You (1994), starring Robert Downey Jr. and Marisa Tomei
An engaged woman (Tomei) goes to Italy to find her one true love that she believes is destiny. She goes out to Italy searching throughout the beautiful countryside and city scapes to come upon a handsome shoe manufacturer (Downey Jr.) who claims to be the man she's looking for - Damon Bradley! The movie is beautiful. It gives a sentimental feeling that makes you want to be there at that time and place (Italy!!) with your one true love. A truly heartfelt story... (by [email protected])
It's a real piece of heaven watching Downey Jr. yet again being just plain brilliant. There was a real on-screen chemistry between Downey Jr. and Tomei that made this 'romantic comedy' one of the best. Light-hearted but genuinely moving (it had me in tears by the end), I'm an even bigger fan of Downey than I was before.

Il Postino (The Postman), starring Massimo Troisi. Based on true events, Troisi plays a shy postman who strikes up an unlikely friendship with exiled Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (Philippe Noiret). Through Neruda's example and tutelage, the hero learns to think of his Italian fishing village in lyrical terms, as well as how to talk to women and even find the strength to take his political stands. Sweet as it is, the film finally pushes beyond its charming borders to become an even more complex and poignant story about the pain of growing into one's destiny.


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